This page aims at documenting the effort to create a community of people interested in Robotics, learning robotics, making robotics, having fun with robotics-related projects. Some of us a greatly interested in participating in Robotics competition.
Feel free to join anytime, we usually meet on tuesdays. Check out Calendar and consider joining our Mailing-List and liking our Facebook Page.
Skills/Wishes of members (put yours!)
Claire: interested in getting basic skills in robotics and whatever people are interested in
knows medecine, immunology, raising bio-engineering knowledge
Denis: interested in robotics design, creating hardware
knows electronics, processing signals, programming, micro-controller, basics robotics
Jordan: interested in underwater robotics, ecosystem monitoring, mapping and localisation
knows robotics, space system laboratory, balanced background in electrical and mechanical engineering
Kevin: interested in 3D printing, Biology inspired robots
knows robotics, programming, biology
Aishah: interested in having fun, solding
knows basic electronics, basic programming
Julien: interested in embedded programming
knows programming
Antoine: interested in building handy & funny robots for everyday's life of people :)
knows Arduino's Hello World, Python, Linux
Charles: interested in building stuff and getting hands dirty
knows how to build some robots, biology, electronics, aesthetics, mechanics
Michael: interested in building demonstration robots
knows Product Design, basic programming
Good Books, tutos, references
See our Arduino page.
( We'll try to buy some of those books )