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This is the content of 6 weeks of NLP Lesson organized by Stanford University: it contains slides, videos and references to master Natural Langage Processing in English. Stanford University Lessons on NLP by Dan Jurafsky,Professor of Linguistics, and Chris Manning, Associate Professor of Computer Science


Week 1 - Basic Text Processing

  • slides_intro.pptx
  • slides_01-02-wordtok.pptx
  • slides_01-02-regexp.pptx
  • slides_01-02-normalization.pptx
  • slides_01-02-sentsegment.pptx
  • slides_01-03-defineMinEdit.pptx
  • slides_01-03-computingmineditdistance.pptx
  • slides_01-03-combio.pptx

Week 1 - Edit Distance

Week 2 - Language Modeling

Week 2 - Spelling Correction

Week 3 - Text Classification

Week 3 - Sentiment Analysis

Week 4 - Discriminative classifiers: Maximum Entropy classifiers

Week 4 - Named entity recognition and Maximum Entropy Sequence Models

Week 4 - Relation Extraction

Week 5 - Advanced Maximum Entropy Models

Week 5 - POS Tagging

Week 5 - Parsing Introduction

Week 5 - Instructor Chat

Week 6 - Probabilistic Parsing

Week 6 - Lexicalized Parsing

Week 6 - Dependency Parsing (Optional)

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