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From Fabelier
Revision as of 16:02, 28 June 2013 by Darnuria (Talk | contribs)

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Fabelier is a *Lab to create, learn and do things around Web, Electronics, Computers, Biology, [put yours here]. We enjoy rapid prototyping taking deeply into account the user experience. Consider joining our Mailing-list, edit this wiki and come by at the weekly meetings. Everyone can organize workshops, events, code-sprints, talks, project kick-backing, etc... Check out our Calendar !


Planed Project

Work in progress Follow our progress here.

Current Projects

Here are some of our projects. More info on the Projects page

  • Coding Dojo :: .
  • ReverseD8 :: Reversing D8 coffee RFID keys.
  • Reprap :: We have a working reprap !
  • Robotics :: Learn robotics, Arduino, make robotics, compete with robotics, have fun !
  • Zeitgeist Borders :: Map the Google auto suggestion difference over the world.
  • Guthenborg :: This projects aims to build a book scanner, create an open library and learn how to use the data from PDF and text.
  • PleaseGiveMeAccess :: API for human request : A little script to query regularly something you need but no API exist.
  • CodingDojo :: Learn and sharpen our coding skills together

Past Project

Past Workshops

Some outputs and documentations that are build along with fabelier's events.



Programming Tricks


  • Bookshelf :: Some books we've bought and who have it

Freely accessible IT-book


Glad you ask ! Fabelier est hébergé au CRI, et le CRI est un lieu international avec beaucoup d'étudiants étrangers qui ne parlent pas français. Donc, la mailing list du club est en anglais. Et les ateliers aussi si un des participants ne parle pas français.

En général nous essayons de traduire en français les mails que nous envoyons pour annoncer les ateliers et événements, mais parfois il est tard, pas le temps, autre chose à faire, mieux à faire, alors on balance tout en VO. Libre à vous de renvoyer une traduction, my dear ;)

Personal tools
