Main Page
Fabelier is a *Lab to create, learn and do things around Web, Electronics, Computers, Biology, [put yours here]. We enjoy rapid prototyping taking deeply into account the user experience. Consider joining our Mailing-list, edit this wiki and come by at the weekly meetings. Everyone can organize workshops, events, code-sprints, talks, project kick-backing, etc... Check out our Calendar !
Contents |
Here are some of our projects. More info on the Projects page
- ReverseD8 :: Reversing D8 coffee RFID keys
- Reprap :: We have a working reprap !
- Robotics :: Learn robotics, Arduino, make robotics, compete with robotics, have fun !
- EEGRobot :: Try to control an arduino based robot with an EEG headset
- Angry Physics :: How to learn Science by coding Angry Birds from scratch with Processing
- Zeitgeist Borders :: Map the Google auto suggestion difference over the world
- Mesh Now :: This project aims at mapping the volunteering effort in installing nodes for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
- Guthenborg :: This projects aims to build a book scanner, create an open library and learn how to use the data from PDF and text
- Manifest open library :: What if ... public book would be accessible for free and provide by public library ?
- PleaseGiveMeAccess :: A script to ask something by mail regulary !
Past Workshops
Some outputs and documentations that are build along with fabelier's events.
- VisualSedimentation.js Visualization Library :: A tutorial
- D3.js Visualization Library :: A tutorial
- Twitter API :: Ethnographic Approach to a Million nodes
- R Language :: Statistics and visualization on data
- Bitcoin :: Distributed currency ( Slides )
- Pimp Your UI :: User Interface Battle
- OpenWRT :: Take the power back on your routeur/box
- Django :: Python CMS
- Gephi :: Data Visualization
- HTML5 Canvas
- Places of Creativity :: Webwalk on Creativity
- PyF :: Handle information flows
- Arduino :: Build a line follower, then we'll try to mind-control it
- Twisted Matrix :: Web Collage with Python
- TVBGone :: Guild our own TV-B-Gone with Mitch Altman
- ProgrammingWorkshop :: A workshop to learn and teach programming (in fact this is a recurring event)
- Permanent Reverse SSH Tunneling
- How to build a Jerry, the DIY Server
- Configure Varnish
- Configure_Etherpad-lite
- Mongodb
- Nodeshot :: Wireless Community MapServer easy to use
- NLP :: All the lessons of Stanford online application on Natural Langage Processing
Others (books and FAQ)
- Bookshelf :: Some books we've bought and who have it
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Why the events usually happen in english ?
Glad you ask ! Fabelier est hébergé au CRI, et le CRI est un lieu international avec beaucoup d'étudiants étrangers qui ne parlent pas français. Donc, la mailing list du club est en anglais. Et les ateliers aussi si un des participants ne parle pas français.
En général nous essayons de traduire en français les mails que nous envoyons pour annoncer les ateliers et événements, mais parfois il est tard, pas le temps, autre chose à faire, mieux à faire, alors on balance tout en VO. Libre à vous de renvoyer une traduction, my dear ;)