From Fabelier
Guthenborg project
The Guthenborg project aims to:
Build a bookscanner and make it available for anyone who wants to store a book following the movement of diybookscanner. See the assembly manual here
Material list
- 14x 2" 5/16" = 58.7376 mm en M8
- 4x 2 1/2" 5/16" = 63.5001 mm en M8
- 30x ecrous M8
- 40x rondelles de 8mm
- 50x 1-5/8 5O vis = 41.2751 mm (vis a bois?)
- 8x 3/4" = 19.0500mm
- 1x tige filetée 12" 5/16 = 30.48 de longueur 7.9375 mm diametre
- 2x tiges filetées 8" =20.32 cm
- 1x tube de PVC8" 1/2 = 20.32cmde de longueur 12.7000 de diametres
- 8 x tasseaux en L
- 24x roulements à bille 8x22x7 = 20.32x55.88x17.78(ABEC 7)
- 2x ecrous à aillettes
- 8x bloc du feutre
- 2x bandes de feutre
- 1x eclairage LED 10W
- 2x tendeurs 45.72cm
- 2 plaques de verre anti-reflet de 280x356mm
- mdf 9mm 700x400
Next steps
- Build a datathèque for storing this books for everyone.
- Propose to learn to everyone interested how to manage this data, explore text and pdf.
- Show the ventage of open access library for researcher, students, entrepreneurs [insert job here].